RULE(RULE ID:711140)

Rule General Information
Release Date: 2017-08-30
Rule Name: PROTOCOL-SSL Openssl Chacha20-poly1305 and RC4-MD5 Integer Underflow Vulnerability -2 (CVE-2017-3731)
Rule Protection Details
Description: If an SSL/TLS server or client is running on a 32-bit host, and a specific cipher is being used, then a truncated packet can cause that server or client to perform an out-of-bounds read, usually resulting in a crash. For OpenSSL 1.1.0, the crash can be triggered when using CHACHA20/POLY1305; users should upgrade to 1.1.0d. For Openssl 1.0.2, the crash can be triggered when using RC4-MD5; users who have not disabled that algorithm should update to 1.0.2k.
Impact: An attacker can launch a denial of service attack by exploiting the vulnerability successfully.
Affected OS: Solaris, Other Unix, FreeBSD, Linux
Reference: SecurityFocusBID:95813
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