RULE(RULE ID:1905718)

Rule General Information
Release Date: 2010-09-23
Rule Name: GPL SQL xp_printstatements Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2000-1086)
Rule Protection Details
Description: The xp_printstatements function in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) does not properly restrict the length of a buffer before calling the srv_paraminfo function in the SQL Server API for Extended Stored Procedures (XP), which allows an attacker to cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary commands, aka the "Extended Stored Procedure Parameter Parsing" vulnerability.
Impact: A buffer overflow vulnerability can be triggered by an attacker in the context of the vulnerable product. Further attacks includes arbitrary code execution and denial of service.
Affected OS: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Other Unix, Network Device, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Others
Reference: SecurityFocusBID:2041
The vendors have released upgrade patches to fix vulnerabilities, please visit: