RULE(RULE ID:332776)

Rule General Information
Release Date: 2021-03-11
Rule Name: Tool Scanner Nessus Detection
Rule Protection Details
Description: Nessus is one of the most widely-used Vulnerability Assessment products. Nessus features high-speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery, patch management integration, and vulnerability analysis of your security posture. This rule detects Nessus traffic characteristics.
Impact: Attackers use attack tools to attack targets, which can lead to data leakage, service interruption, system crash, data tampering, and illegal access.
Affected OS: Windows, Linux, Others
1. Scan the server file system to ensure that there are no hacker tools and related malicious files. 2. Complete system backup to ensure server data security. 3. Harden the security of the server, restrict access permissions, install firewalls, and use secure access control lists.